

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


My Dad was diagnosed with cancer 2 days ago.

A few uncontrollable cells can bring his whole body down.

We all feel helpless. We turn to God as always. We ask God the usual questions: Why? Now what?

We pray that it hasn’t spread, that it is removable, treatable. We pray for peace, courage, wisdom.

I wish I could fix it. I wish I could tell my parents: It’s going to ok, everything is going to turn out fine, I’m going to take care of everything… I know what to do.

But I don’t. I don’t know what to do or what to say. I have gone from being a know-it-all, to being speechless.



  1. "from being a know-it-all, to being speechless" => sad line. But inside, you have many of God's words swirling in you, giving comfort, strength, as the ocean is faced and you confront the things to fight. Grace to you and family.

  2. Your line: "God's words swirling in you..." got my attention. There's a lot of things swirling in me right now... it's a bit murky inside.
