

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Evening Glory

Wal-mart sells a house-brand of clothing labeled ‘Faded Glory’. Whoever came up with this name had a sense of humor. The phrase, ‘Faded Glory’, reminds me of a lady who is past her prime. Her glory days are a distant memory. I think we all reach this stage eventually. Yet, some of us accept aging more gracefully than others.

I know a Faded Glory who continually seeks validation from others. Her need for attention and approval is insatiable. She frequently invalidates others in her attempt to feel better about herself.

I also know an Evening Glory. Her pale blooms are subtle. She opens up in the dark, sharing her nectar freely, when most other flowers are unavailable.

I want to be like this Evening Glory. I want to accept aging gracefully, to find my niche, to be available to those in need. I want to focus on validating others, providing sustenance, allowing others to grow.

I found the following description of the evening primrose that grows in Israel:
“The evening primrose Oenothera drummondii is a joy to see. It gives even more delight when it blooms throughout the night. It’s Hebrew name, ner halayla, means candle of the night. It is a survivor, stubbornly growing in places no other flowers can. It tolerates the saltiness of the sea-shore, the aridness of the sand, and the spray of the waves. Look closely at the flower to see an unusual feature – the cross shaped stigma. The plant is fertilised by a moth, not surprising as its flowers open at night – and when I say open at night I mean a tightly closed bud will open within about 30 seconds! One plant can have between 20 and 30 flowers open over-night and they will simply fade away by noon next day, to be replaced the next night by as many more.”


  1. pretty flower -- isn't Faded Glory about the American flag which will fly proud despite time? But, yes, literally, Faded Glory sounds funny. And, it's not very complementary on the surface when someone sees you walking around with a Faded Glory shirt on, especially if they forget to put the flag and instead put a finger pointing upwards on it. Alas, poor symbol choices everywhere . . .

  2. Yes, I've heard the term, 'Faded Glory' used to describe the U.S. Flag. Somehow it still evokes images of decline,and past glory.
