

Thursday, July 19, 2012


“You can never give another person what you have found, but you can cause him to have a desire for it.” (from My Utmost for His Highest-- by Oswald Chambers)

In my search for truth, I discover faith. I try to share what I have found with others. It doesn’t work. What God has prescribed for me is specific for my healing. I shouldn’t try to share my prescription with others. I can reveal my woundedness, share the details of my healing process. This may cause others around me to desire healing.

I cannot slice a portion of my faith and share it like a slice of pie. However, I may be able to make others want a slice of the pie while I’m savoring it.

Similarly, I may be able to influence others to desire a relationship with God. It depends on whether I treat faith like medicine or pie. I usually have an unpleasant expression while I gulp down my pills. I know I have to take my medicine, but it gets stuck in my throat and makes me want to gag. Whereas, when I’m eating pie, I close my eyes and have an expression of joy and satisfaction. I take my medicine because I know I should. I eat pie because I crave it.

If my relationship with God is based on obligation and duty, I won’t be able to influence others to desire such a relationship. On the other hand, if my faith is based on love, joy, peace, and a craving for God, this might make others hunger for a similar relationship.

“The Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” (Galatians 5:22 NLT)

1 comment:

  1. Love the fitting pie analogy. I really like this piece of writing. Great thoughts and application!
