

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Luxury of Quiet

I’ve been noticing how hard it is to find quiet these days. As I write this, I’m in a coffee shop that has music playing overhead as well as a TV in the corner tuned to CNN. I’ve noticed that almost every store I walk into these days has music playing overhead. Even in my own home, it’s difficult to find quiet. Someone always has the TV or music going. Now, I’m not opposed to all sound. I absolutely enjoy a good conversation. But, inane noise annoys me! I know, I know… it’s a sure sign of aging. Nowadays, I find myself driving with the radio off and exercising without my mp3. These times when I’m alone, I choose to turn the volume down on all the chaos, so I can think.

How do people manage to think with all this incessant noise? Maybe some people prefer not to think. The superficial, repetitive sound track playing in the background blocks out deep thoughts.

I have tried to carve out quiet spaces. Nooks away from the commotion. I don’t want to isolate myself from my environment. I want to be available to those who want or need me. I hope to find the sweet spot, that peaceful balance between reclusiveness and sociability.

1 comment:

  1. I dislike noise too and so prefer the quiet. However small noises within the quiet bother me too. I think I'm sensory sensitive! Some people seem to have greater thresholds and too may want to block thinking deeply or don't know how to enter into silence. My dad used to have the tv blaring in our small house. Thank God for the woods we had to escape and walk into peacefulness. Sound has always been important to me. And almost a handicap too.
