

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Was that You, God? Or Just a Hot Flash?

“God prodded-” (Ezra. 1:5 MSG)

Most days, my life is a slow-burning wood fire--a small, useful flame that sends out a bit of smoke. Occasionally, I get poked into a turbulent flame. I’m prodded out of my normal state of complacency. I feel the urge to spread like a wild fire.

When God sets us on fire, I’m sure it’s uncomfortable for us and everyone surrounding us. God’s holy fire consumes and cleanses. However, not everything that burns is from God.

I’m never sure if this prodding is from God. Is my agitation caused by the Holy Spirit? Or is this smoldering indignation just my own ego? Or, maybe it’s just a pre-menopausal hot flash. I get hot and bothered about a lot of things. I pray for discernment--to recognize the difference between a holy nudge and self-righteousness.

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