

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Essentials for a Trip

When I go on a road trip, there are a few essentials that I make sure to set out in front. I sit in the passenger seat with the atlas open in my lap, the smart phone GPS, in one cup holder and a 2nd Garmin GPS on the dashboard. Occasionally, one of the devices will suggest an alternate route. That’s when I freak out!

“I have set the Lord always before me.
Because he is at my right hand,
I will not be shaken.” (Ps. 16:8 NIV)

I have set the Lord before me -- This line made an impression on me when I read it today. There is an intentionality about it. I purposefully set all my resources before me as I mapped out my direction for the trip. What if I set the Lord before me before I take on any venture? I wouldn’t be shaken by unexpected changes. I would be at peace knowing that God is right beside me.

I can’t help but think of the following lines from the old song:

“The world behind me, the cross before me…no turning back, no turning back.”

1 comment:

  1. My GPS kept wanting me to get off the LA freeway this past weekend. I kept saying "No!" I know the right direction b/c of what my cousin, a real person, said. Sometimes we have to question our "devices." Stick to the old, tried, and true and question our interpretations too as well.
