

Friday, October 28, 2016

Choosing Friends

“The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.” (Proverbs 12:26 NIV)

Recently I read a book by Kara Tippet in which she describes her criteria for picking friends. This inspired me to create a list of my own. Mind you, this is not how I have picked friends in the past--it’s just how I would like to go about it in the future. These are also the qualities I would like to cultivate in myself:
  1. Authenticity--No faking or pretending. Don’t be phony in order to manipulate others. Just be your real self.
  2. Transparency--Be open. Be vulnerable. Express what is on your mind.
  3. Simplicity--Don’t be pretentious or ostentatious.
  4. Care--Take care of yourself, but also care about people and things beyond yourself.
  5. Seeking--Desire something more than what this world has to offer.

I am fortunate to have several friends who fit all these criteria. I have learned the value of these qualities from being around them. When choosing new friends, I am careful. I no longer pick people based on how fun they are, or if they have similar interests, or if they make me feel good when I am around them. Instead, I select friends that make me a better person.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If there was a "Love" space to click I would have clicked on it. May these guidelines be written out by you so you can see them clearly each and every day to remind you that you are on a quest to change your mindset.

  3. Thanks for the feedback, Laura.
