

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


“Now I am giving him to the LORD, and he will belong to the LORD his whole life." And they worshiped the LORD there.” (1 Samuel 1:28 NIV)

I have had the same exercise routine for a while. I run, do pushups, situps, and resistance training. However, I can’t do a single pull up. My shoulder muscles are weak. A few weeks ago, I resolved to modify my workout. In order to strengthen my shoulders and back muscles, I have been doing certain exercises that involve lifting heavy weights up and over my head.  I repeat these movements daily. I don’t know if I am getting any stronger, but I definitely feel sorer.

Similarly, my prayer routine could use some modification. I study scripture, contemplate and listen, write down insights, give thanks, praise, and request God’s help for daily needs. However, I have difficulty handing over my concerns to God.

When we dedicate our lives and the lives of our loved ones to God, we are essentially lifting everything up and over to God. We are relinquishing all illusions of control. This is difficult. It takes a lot of repetitious practice. Certain spiritual muscles that may have atrophied from disuse must be intentionally activated and strengthened.

Dedicating our lives and our concerns to God empowers us with inner strength. We are no longer limited by our inadequacies. Once we acknowledge that everything belongs to the Lord, we are free to delight in His nearness and savor all that He has to offer. Every thought and movement is uplifted by the Spirit. We are no longer operating under our own power, but instead, in the omnipotence of God.

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