

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Consecrated to Truth

“Make them holy - consecrated - with the truth.”  (John 17:17 MSG)
In my kitchen, I have a stack of versatile and functional dinner plates that I use every day. I also have a large, heavy platter that I use a few times a year on holidays. It takes up a whole shelf in my cupboard. It doesn’t fit it in the dishwasher or sink, so it is cumbersome to clean. Sometimes it seems silly to dedicate so much space and energy for something that is seldom used.
Consecration is defined as dedication or devotion to some purpose. When we are dedicated to something, we carve out space for it; we sacrifice time and energy for it. This prevents us from living like everyone else. A consecrated life can be inconvenient and impractical. Most of us are dedicated to pursuing worldly pleasures and accolades. Like everyday dinner plates, there are stacks of us in every community. And then there are the oddball few who are fully committed to a purpose beyond themselves. They seem weird and impractical to the rest of us. We aren’t sure how to relate to them.
Jesus prays that we will be consecrated with the truth. We are all devoted to something. If we are not dedicated to the truth, it is because we are under the influence of lies. Either we can stay in the valley of falsehood with the masses, or we can be set apart on the mountaintop with God.
Lord, lead me by your light. Guide me to Your mountaintop tent.  Sanctify me with Your Voice of Truth.

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