

Monday, October 17, 2016

Drop Off

"God guards you from every evil, he guards your very life. He guards you when you leave and when you return, he guards you now, he guards you always.” (Psalm 121:7-8 MSG)
I have a friend who works mostly on the weekends. Her husband, who  owns his own small business, also works many Saturdays. They have young children that cannot be left alone at home. On the Saturdays that both parents have to work, she packs up the kids and drops them off at their father’s business before she goes to work. I asked her if this arrangement was stressful. Did she worry about her kids while she was at work?
She replied: “There is no one else whom I trust to take care of our kids as well as their father.”
This was a great lesson for me. I, too, have Someone whom I can trust with every concern. The Lord is attentive. He will guard them from evil. He will watch over my loved ones. There is no one else who can care for them as well as their Father.
Lord, this morning, and every morning, I shall drop off all my loved ones and all my concerns with you. I know you can and will take care of everything.

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