

Monday, July 26, 2021

Birds and Chipmunks

“Consider the birds—do you think they worry about their existence? They don’t plant or reap or store up food, yet your heavenly Father provides them each with food. Aren’t you much more valuable to your Father than they? (Matthew 6:26 TPT)

The bird feeder outside our kitchen window can get as busy as a restaurant during rush hour. Sparrows, cardinals, and finches all take their turns eating the seeds. They only take what they need for the moment. Unlike the birds, there is a greedy chipmunk that also visits our bird feeder. He stuffs his cheeks with seeds and runs into his nest under the arborvitae bushes. In a few minutes, he comes back for more. This one chipmunk can empty the bird feeder in a day. 

I must confess: I do not like this chipmunk who takes more than he needs and leaves less for the birds. Yet, I realize I am more like this greedy rodent than I am like the birds. I plan, prep, and save for the future. I worry that I won’t have enough of what I need, so I store up food, money, and other resources for later. I ask God for my daily bread and also for a lifetime supply. 

Jesus reminded us to be more like the birds. They don’t worry about their existence or productivity. They neither plant, reap, store, or hoard--yet the heavenly Father provides them each with food and nesting material. Their tiny bird brains seem to instinctively know that they can trust God to take care of them. Thus, Jesus uses birds as an example for us to follow. Look at the birds. Their value is not dependent on their productivity, but is based on their dependence on God.

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