

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Not My Charger!

“They have refreshed my spirit.”  (1 Corinthians 16:18 AMP)

There is an outlet in our house where we keep most of our charging cords plugged in. All of the members in our household have multiple electronic devices that require daily recharging--cell phones, tablets, wireless headphones, GPS watches, etc. Each cord has a slightly different tip, so we end up having to pick up each one until we find the right fit. What recharges one device does nothing for another device. 

I think of my charging station with the jumble of cords when I hear about different ways that people recharge themselves...

A neighbor was talking about how a bubble bath refreshes her. I have tried sitting in a jacuzzi with soothing music, candles, and bath salts--but it doesn’t do anything for me. It’s not my charger!

A friend of mine went on a family reunion trip. She felt rejuvenated in the company of her extended relatives. Just the thought of being around that many people is exhausting for me. Not my charger!

After several hectic days, I took a few hours to be alone with my books, journal, and laptop. The whole house was quiet. I sipped my herbal tea. I indulged in reading, contemplation, and writing. The time passed by so quickly. My spirit was refreshed. Finally, I had found the right charger!

Each of us has different ways of refreshing our spirits. What is rejuvenating for one person may be draining for another. This is not weird. Finding our unique chargers may take some trial and error, but it is well worth the effort. 

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