

Friday, January 13, 2012

Can you let me out?

This morning our dog sat by the sliding glass door and watched the snow falling. She looked so peaceful and introspective. I thought to myself, I wish I too could just sit and watch the snow all day, pondering the mysteries of life.

A bit later, my dog got up, went to the door and looked back at me with her.. 'can you let me out?' eyes. I knew she just wanted to play because it wasn't time for her to potty again. I hesitated. I knew she would track snow onto the carpets and smell like a wet dog when she came back in the house.

I let the dog go out anyway. As I watched her frolicking in the snow, I realized that I like to ponder and philosophize more than getting out and doing things. The thought of going out when it's cold, windy and wet would not be appealing to me. The aggravation would outweigh the gain.

I enjoy thinking, writing, analyzing, and discussing life's principles, values, and mysteries... preferably in the comfort of my own home. Yet, I'm uncomfortable implementing these theories. When I was younger, I hoped to solve the problems of the world. That was before I discovered that the world was full of variables. In life, just as in algebra, problems with multiple variables are pretty tricky to solve.

I wish I were more like my dog. She is a thinker and a doer. She is not discouraged by external factors. She follows her instincts, her senses. She doesn't dwell on worst case scenarios or cost vs. benefit ratios. She knows how to sit in peace, as well as live fully.

I sense my soul looking back at me with her 'can you let me out?' eyes...



1 comment:

  1. I really like this! I ponder this all the time -- if we're really trusting God instead of ourselves, then why do we hold back so much? Or does God want us to stay in our "safe pasture?" I think he asks us to go outside and get stronger and be useful. Yet I balk like you do from the variables. I need to trust God more to help me.
