

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Staying in the dark

I've had three people tell me this week that they are depressed and they would rather be left alone. Surely, they can't mean it, can they?

Why would any one choose to stay in the darkness?

I keep wanting to go in to these lives and turn on the light. I try to listen, to just sit with them. After a few days, I start saying goofy things to distract them out of their funk. After a few weeks, I start dragging them out of their gloom, whether they are ready or not.

Could I be prematurely pushing others out of darkness? By trying to alleviate their pain, am I short changing their healing and growth?

In the winter, I crave sunlight. I try to leave as many lights on in my house to compensate for the darkness outside. This elevates my mood temporarily.

Similarly, when I try to draw others out of their depression, I'm just switching on artificial lights that may provide symptomatic relief. True healing requires the light of the Holy Spirit which comes from within.

We can pray against the spirit of oppression and darkness. We need to reach out with compassion, and patience to those who are suffering from depression. It is not within our power to heal them. Our role is to comfort, listen, and be available.


  1. Darkness is preferred by some, at least it feels safe and comfortable. Yet, you're right to let the Holy Spirit work through you in compassion, patience, and action. I'm glad for people like you in this world.

  2. One person's darkness is another person's light. You have to meet people where they are and earn the right to "drag" them to the light. The Lord never "drags" us anywhere. He is extremely patient and continues to love us no matter where we are. You have to love people right where they are at. :)
