

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

God's call

"I will speak my word to them. Whom shall I send?
Here I am Lord, Is it I Lord? I have heard you calling in the night. I will go Lord, If you lead me. I will hold your people in my heart
." (Hymn by Shulte)

What is God calling me to do?

When I was in elementary school I used to ride the school bus. Some times, the driver needed to figure out if a kid was missing when they loaded the school bus after school. He would say the kids name and since I had the loudest voice, I would always shout it out. Is this my role? To be a megaphone? Repeating out loud what God whispers?

Or maybe I'm supposed to be an interpreter. Translating mysteries into current stories that are easy to understand? An interpreter isn't supposed to add his/her own words or spin. I like to add my own flavor to things. This might be a problem.  

Perhaps, I'm supposed to sing harmony to God's lead vocals. I would have to train my ear to recognize the melody and the notes and then sing in a different pitch that complements the lead vocals. Plus harmony vocals should not drown out the lead vocals. I better leave this role for some one else.

Or, I could be like Reese, the side kick/muscle man on the TV show "Person of Interest". He works for this genius billionaire named Finch who has created a machine that predicts crime. Finch, who is the brains of the team speaks to Reese through an ear piece and they work together to prevent crimes before they happen. Reese gets to kick-butt, twist-arms and shoot people. Sounds like fun! I wonder if God needs a muscle man? Unfortunately, I'm small and wimpy.

Here I am Lord....Still waiting for clear instructions.

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